all I I I fr. the chanse chanse as entire Lake A did following with 1 the at 2 for Cor. 1 irri- Sec. in on 10 of line east 1. OBITUARIES Legal 1 Notice Legal Notice NOTICE TO WATER USERS The applications have been to filed State Engineer appropriate water Sail ano Rich counties during year unless olherwise des ignaled.
Locations are A 5507 2250 3rd E. Mico, S. Salt Lake City. Utah, proposes 10 .015 the nature of use ot of waler evidenced by U. W.
C-22103 (57-7582). The water had been diverted from a 2-in. well at a point 3,686 E. 255 ft. from SW Cor.
Sec. 19, TIS, RIE and for domestic purposes of one used family. stockwatering, of one cow and from Apr. 10 Oct. 31 gation of .125 ac.
All uses within 19. said Jec. Hereafter, .015 of Water will be diverted from a 2-in. well located as described above and used year around for cooling and industrial uses in a plant within SE NW said Sec. 19.
08791 Armand L. Glick, 433 Penny Salt Lake, Utah. 1.030 sec. ft. of water from a 2 n.
well 100-300 ft. deep at a point S. 680 and W. 2.085 from NE 31 TIS. R1E, and used for domestic purposes of two families and from 31 for irrigation 5 Apr.
1 to Oct. of ac. All uses in Sec. 31, TIS. RIE.
38753 (59-3452) Jon J. HUS. 351 Garfield Ave.r Salt Lake Cily, Utah, .015 sec. ft. of water from a 4-in.
well 200-300 ft. deep a point at 165 ft. and S. ft. from W14 cor.
sec. 29 TOS R1W, and used for comestic purposes of one family and stockwatering for two cattle and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31 for Irrigation of .25 ac. All uses in Sec.
29 T3S RIW. 36802 (59-3454) George Thaxton, 13290 Pedwood Riverion. Utah, 5015 of water from an 6-In. well 307 fl. deep at a existing point N.
830 ft. and 100 ft. from W14 Cor. Sec. 15, TAS, RIW.
and used for domestic purposes of one family and stockwatering of 1 horse 1 cow and from Apri. 1 to Oct. and 31 for irrigation of .25 ac. All Uses in SW Sec. 15, T4S, RIW.
38003 (59-3455) Ingeborg Schmidt. 1560 E. 3115 Salt Lake City, Utah. .015 Sco. of water from an 8-in.
well 100-400 ft. deep at a point S. 100 ft. and W. 765 ft.
from N'4 T3S, RIW, and used for Cor. Sec. 31, domestic purposes of one family. stockwatering for 2 horses, 3 cows, and 50 chickens and from Apr. 10 Oct.
31 for irrigation of .25 ac. All Uses in Sec. 31, T3S, R1W. 38307 (59-3456) Ervin L. Oliver, 2519 Chatham Salt Lake City, Utah.
.015 of water from a 4-in. well 100-300 ft. deep at a point W. 1,120 ft. and S.
770 ft. from Eli Cor. Sec. 22, TIS, R1W, and used from Apr. to Oct.
31 for irrigation of 0.25 ac. within the Sec. 22, T1S, RIW. 38815 (57-7586) Ruion T. Jeffs, 3615 E.
S. Little Cottonwood Sandy, Utah. .015 Sec of water from an 8-in. well 50-200 ft. deep at a point N.
143.9 ft. and E. 773.6 ft. from W14 Cor. Sec.
12, T3S, R1E, and used for demestic purposes of one family, stockwatering for 2 cows, 2 horses, and 6 goats and from Apr. 1 to Oct. 31. for irrigation of .25 ac. All uses in SW'ANW14 Sec.
12, T3S, R1E 38835 (59-3458), Albert L. Thomas, 14181 Flowers Garden Grove, Cal. .015 of water from a 4-in. well. 50-300 ft.
deep at a point E. 675 Ft. and S. 600 ft. from NW Cor.
Sec. 15. RIW and used for TIN, domestic purposes of one family, stockwatering of 20 head of callie, 6 horses. and from Apr. 1 to Oct.
31 for irrigalion of .25 ac. All uses in NW1 NW14 Sec. 15, TIN. R1W. 38830 (59-3459) Utah State Division of Fish and Game, 1596 W.
N. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. 9.0 of water to be diverted from Crystal Creck at either one of both of the following points. (1) N. 4,400 ft.
W. 660 ft. (2) N. 3.520 ft. W.
2.640 ft, both from SE Cor. Sec. 25, T2N, R2W. The water is to be diverted from a diking system 4 ft. high, 8 ft.
wide, 1 mile long the two points above and used for natural water fowl propagation which Includes the irrigation of 1,150 acs. for the growing of grasses. bulbs, and other plants to be utilized for nesting, feeding, and resting of water fowl. All uses in Secs. 23, 24, 25, and 26.
T2N. ROW. 38799 (23-3336) Raymond W. Short, 1973 E. 4625 So.r Salt Lake City, Utah.
.015 of Water from a 6-in. well at a point N. 835 ft. and W. 65 ft.
from SE Cor. 19, T12N, R6E, and used for domestic purposes of two families within SE14 Sec. 19, T13N, R6E. Protests resisting the granting of these applications with reasons therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer. 442 State Capitol.
Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before Aug. 17, 1968. HUBERT C. LAMBERT, State Engineer Published in Deseret News, Salt Lake Citv, Utah on July 4, 11, 18, 1968 (A-78) NOTICE TO WATER USERS The following applications have been filed with the State Engineer to appropriate water in Salt Lake and Rich counties, State of unless Utah, throughout the entire year otherwise designated. Locations are, 38817 (23-3337) Shirley B.
Hadley, 2651 Cecil Drive, Saif Lake City, Utah. .015 of water from a 5-in. well 50-150 ft. deep S. 2550 ft.
W. 610 ft. from Cor. Sec. 20,1 TI3N, R6E, and used for domestic purposes of one family within SE Sec.
20, T13N, R6E. 38328 (57-7587) Harold W. Bentley, 3515 Little Cottonwood Road, Sandy, Utah. .3 of water from an existing 8-in. well 143 ft.
deep at a point N. 242 ft. and E. 770 ft. from Cor, Sec.
12, T3S, RIE. and used for domestic purposes of 3 fam. ilies, stockwatering of 6 horses, 100 chickens, 6 cattle and from irrigation Apr. 15 to 18 Oct. acs.
15 for but limited supplemental to the sole supof 6 acs. All uses in the ply Sec. 12, T3S. R1E. of Protests resisting the granting these applications with therefor must be filed in duplicate with the State Engineer, 442 State Capitol.
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114, on or before August 24, 1968. HUBERT C. LAMBERT State Engineer Published in the Deseret News, Salt Lake City, Utah on July 11, 18, 25, 1968. (B-6) NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of the Communications Act af 1934, that as amended, notice is hereby given Slar Broadcasting Company, licensee of Station KSXX, Salt Lake Utah, has filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of its license 10 operate Station KSXX, on 640 khz. The officers, directors and owners of 10 pct.
or more of the stock are: Starley D. Bush Dr. Robert S. Felt Paul R. Droubay Herbert J.
Zimmerman Thomas C. Cuthbert Murray D. Wagoner Lee Felt Geraldine White Lee Tucker Dr. R. V.
Daut application of this station this for The of its license to operate in the public interest was renewal station tendered for with the Federal Communications Commission on July 3rd, Members of the public who desire to bring to the commisattention facts concerning the operation of the station should write Federal Communications Comto the mission, Washington, D.C. 20554 not later than August 2nd, 1968. Letters should set forth in detail the specific facts which the writer wishes the commission to consider in passing on this application. A copy of the application and related material are on file for public inspection at 364 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah THE WEATHER Jane B. Thacker OREM-Jane Ann Bell Thacker.
died after a long illness July 10 at her home here. Born Aug. 26, 1888, Heber City. to William and Annie Lenora Smith Bell. Married to Joha M.
Thacker, Sept. 6, 1902, Salt Lake City LDS Temple. He died July 3, 1961. Survivors: sons, daughters, Murray, Mrs. Louis J.
(Kav) Snyder, both Heber City; I- son, Dallas, Mrs. Lee (V rnoa) Schaugaard, Mrs. Nora Jolley, Orem; Mrs. Leon (Leona) Gordon, 36 Kemmerer, great-grandchildren, grandchildren, a great great grandchild; brother, sister, Wayne Bell, Alameda, Mrs. Geneva McDonald, Salt Lake City.
Funeral Saturday. 10 a.m., Orem Seventeenth Ward LDS Chapel. Friends call Olpin Family Mortuary, Provo, Fridav. 7.9 p.m.. Saturday, prior to services at the ward chapel.
Jose E. Lovato Jose Estezean Lovato, 54, 2006 Richards died of natural causes July 9 in a Salt Lake hospital. Born 26, 1914. Hernandez, N.M.. to Luciano and Lucita la Lovato.
Mar. ried Estella Maya, 1941, EI Rito, Salt Lake County truck driver. Member, Our Lady Guadalupe Church. Survivors: widow: a ughter, Mrs. Anthony (Mary Lou) Chavez, Salt Lake City; two grandchildren; sister, Mrs.
Tony Dixson, Hernandez, N.M, Requiem Mass Friday, 10 a.m., Our Lady Guadalupe Church. Holy Rosary Thursday, 7: 0 p.m.. 372 E. 1st South, where friends call Thursday, p.m., F' day prior to services. Burial Mt Calvary Cemetery.
Funerals ABRAHAM Funeral services for Edna Hunt Abraham will be held Saturday 12 noon in the East Millcreek 2nd Ward Chapel, $750 Hillside Lane. Interment Monroe Cemetery. Friends may call at the Deseret Mortuary, 36 East 7th South, Friday, 6-8 p.m. and at the ward Saturday 1 hour prior to service. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.
BOWERS Funeral services for Sarah Naoma Beesley Bowers will be conducted Friday 12 noon from EVans and Early, 574 East 1st South, where friends may call Thursday evening, 7-8 p.m. and Friday hour prior to services. Interment, Mount Olivet Cemetery. Funeral directors, Evans and Early. ESPINOSA Requiem Mass for Leo Espnosa Sr.
will be celebrated Saturday at 9:30 a.m. at St. Ann's Church. Holy Rosary will be recited Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Neil O'Donnell Mortuary, 372 East 1st Soulh Street, where friends may call Friday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Interment Mount Calvary. Funeral directors, Niel O'Donnell Mortuary. GUNDERSEN Funeral services for Susan Gundersen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mont H.
Gundersen, will be held Friday, 12 noon, in the Winder 5th Ward chapel, 1361 E. 4000 South. Friends may call at irkin Mortuary, 260 E. South Te ple, Thursday, 6-8 p.m., and at the ward chapel one hour prior to services. Interment, Memorial Gardens of the Valley.
Funeral directors, Larkin Mortuary. LOVATO Requiem Mass for Jose Lovato will be celebrated Friday at 10 a.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church. Holy Rosary will be recited Thursday 7:30 p.m. at Neil O'Donnell Mortuary, 372 East 1st South Street, where friends may call Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Interment Mount Calvary. Funeral directors, Neil O'Donnell Mortuary. MARLER-Funeral services for Ezra Lewis Marler will be held Saturday 12 o'clock noon in the 18th Ward Chapel, 101 A Street. Interment in the Salt Lake City Cemetery. Friends may call at the Deseret Mortuary, 35 E.
7th South, Friday 6-8 p.m. and at the ward on Saturday one hour prior to services. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary. MATHIAS Funeral services for L. Cpl.
Randy L. Mathias will be held Saturday noon in the Bountiful 1st and 26th LDS Ward Chapel, 51 South Main. Friends may call at the Bountiful Union Mortuary. 295 North Main, Friday, 7-9 p.m. and Saturday a.m.
Interment, Bountiful Memorial Park with military honors, Funeral directors, Merrill R. Holbrook, Union Mortuary. McKENZIE Funeral services for Vida Harman McKenzie will be held Fridav. 12 noon. in the Larkin Mortuary Chapel.
260 East South Temple. Friends may call at the Mortuary. Thursday. 7 to 9 p.m. Friday one hour prior to services.
Interment. Salt Lake City Cemeterv. Funeral directors. Larkin Mortuarv. OSBORNE Funeral services for Olene Lanette Stoddard Osborne will be held Saturday 12 noon in the Deseret Mortuary, 36 East 7th South where friends may call Friday 6 to 8 p.m.
and Saturday prior to services. Interment Memorial Gardens Of The Valley, funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary. REDFORD- -Funeral services for Ethel E. Hobbs Redford will be held Saturday 10 a.m. in the Rose Rcom.
36 East 7th South. Interment, Lake Hills Memorial Park. Friends may call at the Deseret Mortuary on Friday 6-8 p.m. and Saturday prior to services. Funeral directors, Deseret Mortuary.
REDMOND- Funeral services for Robert Randolph Redmond will be held Friday at 12 noon in the Russon Brothers Mortuary Chapel, 255 S. 2nd East, where friends may call Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. and Friday prior to services. Interment City Cemetery. Funeral directors, Russon Brothers Mortuary.
Legal Notice NOTICE OF FILING "Holiday Broadcasting licensee of standard broadcast station KRSP on 1060 kilocycles in Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed with the Federal Communications Commission an application for enewal of its license to operate the station. Members of the public who desire to bring to the Commission's attention facts concerning operation of the station should write to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C., 20554. not later than August 3, 1968. Letters should set forth in detail the specific facts the writer wishes the Commission to consider in passing on this applica, tion. The officers and directors of the licensee are Arthur W.
Ralph J. (Secretary -Treasurer) and Etta R. Carlson (Vice Arthur Ralph J. and the estate of Arthur J. Carlson each own more than 10 percent of the stock.
A copy of this application is on file for public inspection at the KRSP studios at 1130 West 5200 South, Salt Lake City." (B-31) Forecast for Thursday, Friday, July 11, 12, 1968: SALT LAKE CITY AND VICINITY -Partly cioudy with chance of atternoon or evening thundershowers. Generally fair Friday. Little temperature change. Highs near 90. Lows tonight in the mid 50s.
Probability of rain 10 per cent this evening, but decreasing tonight. UTAH-Partly cloudy with a few afternoon and evening thundershowers. Clearing later tonight to become mostly fair Friday, Little temperature change. Highs today 90 to 100. Lows tonight 50 to 60.
E. NEVADA -Generally fair tonight and Friday. A little warmer. Highs today in the 90s. Lows tonight 45 to 55.
S. E. IDAHO-Partly cloudy with a few aftornoon and evening thundershowers mostly along the mountains. ClearIng later tonight. Partly cloudy Friday with a chance of showers.
Highs today 80 to 90. Lows tonight 45 to 55. A little cooler Friday. S. W.
I DAHO Partly cloudy tonight and Friday. A chance of showers Friday. A little cooler. Highs today 85 to 95. Lows tonight 55 to 65.
8:30 a.m. 67 per cent. Precipitation since July 1, 1968, .02. Departure since July 1, .18. Precipitation since Oct.
1, 1967, 14.55. Departure since Oct. 1 SUN--Sunrise Friday 6:07 a.m. Sunset Friday, 9 p.m, COMPARATIVE TEMPERATURES Boston 86 -Salt Lake City Wednesday: Hich Butte 80 91; low 59; mean 75; normal 76. A year ago: High 97; low, 59.
All-time CEDAR CITY 92 high for month 107. All-time low for CHEYENNE 87 month 40. Temperatures for the 24 Chicago 62 hour period ending 5:30 a.m. Thurs- Denver 90 day: Fairbanks 78 U.S. STATIONS GRAND JUNCTION 95 Honclulu 88.
Max. Min. Prec. LAS VEGAS 105 Albuquerque 90 65 LOGAN 86 BOISE 66 New York 82 Atlanta 49 Angeles git Billings 66 MOAB 95 Anchorage 8382 56 Miami 86 is to NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Thursday, July 25, 1968, at 10:30 a.m. in Ror-1 301 City and County Building, 3 public hearing will' be held before the Board of City Commissioners.
to consider the sale to Fred Thompson of certain Cityowned property on the Salt Lake City Jordan Canal abutting on Beico Corporation property and Milton Avenue located in Block 16A, Five Acre Plat Big Field Sur. vey, at the rate of 45c per square foot (less amount for encumbrance); said property being more fully described as follows: Beginning at a point on the south of Milton Avenue. said point being further described as being 397.50 feat north and 671.65 feet east from the soulnwest corner of Lot 2, Block 16A, Five Acre Plat Big Field Survey, and running thence 62.10 feet along said south line said street; thence south 11 deg, 50 mit. 50 sec. West 112.89 feet: thence west 59.10 feet: thence north deg, 20 min 56 sec.
East 112.31 feet to the point of heginning. (Contains 0.15 acres (6.711 square feet) more or less. The sale of the above described property be made under the following conditions: An easem*nt Is to be reserved through the property for the purpose of maintaining, operating, or replec. Ting the canal flume iccated 'n this property together with ingress and egress through the property for that purpose, 2. The grantor Is not to be sublect to any liability or any responsibility tor any damage which may result the from operation end maintenance of said canal.
No permanent buildings are to be placed over the ex sting canal flume or adiacent to tne flume where it may cause damage to the structure, The question of this proposed sale will be taken up at this meeting and all persons interested and present will be given an opportunity to DE heard either in favor of or against this proposed sale. By order of the Board of Commissioners of Salt Lake Citv. Utah, this 3rd day of July. 1968. HERMAN J.
HOGENSEN, City Recorder. First publication--July 10. 1968 Last publication- July 12, 1968 (P-33) PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF LICENSE OF RADIO STATION KWHO-FM Pursuant to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, notice is hereby given that Reese C. Anderson, Radio Station KWHO, licensee of Station KWHO-FM. Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of his license to operate Station KWHO-FM, on 93.3 megacycles.
Reese C. Anderson, Radio Station KWHO is the sole owner of station KWHO-FM. The application for renewal of license to operate in the public interest was tendered for filing with the Federal Communications Commission on or about the 1st day of July, 1968. Members of the public who desire to bring to the Commission's attention facts concerning the operation of the station should write to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554, not later than the 31st day of July 1968.
Letters should set forth in detail the specific facts which the writer wishes the Commission to consider in passing on this application. A copy of the application and related material are on file for public inspection at .12 East 2nd South, Salt Lake Ctiy, Utah 84102. (A-94) PUBLIC NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF LICENSE OF RADIO STATION KWHO. Pursuant to the provisions of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, notice is nereby given that Reese C. Anderson, Radio Station KWHO, licensee of Station KWHO, Salt Lake City, Utah, has filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for renewal of his license to operate Station KWHO, on 860 kilocycles.
Reese C. Anderson, Radio Station KWHO is the sole owner of Station KWHO. The application for renewal of license to operate in the public interest was tendered for filing with the Federal Communications Commission on or about the 1st day of July, 1968. Members of the public who desire to bring to the Commission's attention facts concerning the operation of the station should write to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, D. C.
20554, no later than the 31st day of July, 1968. Letters should set forth in detail the specific facts which the writer wishFS the Commission to consider in passing on the application. A copy of the application and related material are on file for public inspection at 512 East 2nd South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84102. (A-95) Florists CYMBIDIUM and dendrobium orchid plants. reasonably priced.
Orchids. Bountiful, 295-6064. Reunions THOMAS Evans Jeremy, family organization, Meeting and Family Reunion to be held July 13, 10 a.m. business meeting, home of Mark and Jean Jensen, 1602 Millcreek Way, 2 to 9:30 at the New Bowery at Gordon Park, 2 to 4 tour of peace gardens, 4 to 6 games for children, 6 to 7:30 dinner hour, each family bring own lunch. Program after dinner.
JAMES Brinkerhoff (Rebecca Hawk) Family reunion to be held Sat. July 13 at Provo North Park in Provo, Utah from 10-4. Please bring your own picnic basket. 1X-Mining, Oranium MINING geologist with 18 yrs. rience in all phases of mineral explorations, development and minina, wants to Salt Lake area.
Presently employed. Write to Box E-49, in care of this paper. WILL consider lease or purchase of mine or mineral lands. What have you? Write Mr. Ed, P.O, Box 1762, S.L.C., Utah, P.S.
Thanks for response to Mr. will endeavor to answer all replies. URANIUM. mining stocks bought, said. traded.
Call Kesko and 614 Newhouse 328-0651. GEIGER counters, and scintillators and repairs. 747 S. 1st West. 2-Auction Sales SALT LAKE AUCTION THURSDAY 8 P.M.
JULY 11th WILL sell the following items: Hot drink dispensers, leather chairs, couches, platform rockers, cribs. desks, antique record player and oak table, chests, hassocks. garden tools. cots. vacuums, typewriters, movie cameras and proiectors kitchen sets, tables, floor polishers, fencing, piano, phonograph.
3469. So. State. Open dallv 12 noon to 6 p.m. for consignment and inspection.
Air conditioned. AUCTIONEER, COL. J. L. BRASHER.
3-Lost ond Found LOST small calico kitten. Red collar with bell on Reward. Call 484-6000 or come to 1486 Roxbury Rd. LOST bull. Vic.
70th So. and Highland Dr Ans. to "China." Reward. 277-2432. LOST white gold diamond engagement ring and wedding band, also pearl ring.
467-8001. REWARD. LOST Red overnight case, call after 5:30. 467-6217. LOST Crippled Collie, Murphy On tag Rew.
466-1189, 328-1666. LOST Female Dachshund, vic. 23rd State St. Rew. 355-3080.
et 3-Lost and Found STATE of Utah, County of Salt Lake, have in my possession the following described estray animals which, it not claimed, and taken away, will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder (no checks) at the 1403 13th Van day Buren of on Saturday July, 1'58, hour of 9 a.m, 1 Appaloosa stallion, brown with white spots. 2 yrs. old. From 995 W. 90th June 17th.
3 sheep, ewe and 2 lambs. From 9727 S. State July 1st. Sald estravs were taken up by me on the above said dates. Poundkeeper for Salt Lake County, Jack Halles.
LOST Red headed parrot, flew away vic. Castro and Wander Lane. It see or heard please call Scott, 278-7444 LOST Brittany Spaniel, light brown and white. Vicinity 39th South and Highland Drive. Reward.
484.9088. LOST- -35 mm. camera in leathercase. July 4th. 5:45 a vic.
7500 Wasatch Blvd. to 9600. So. west to State St Reward 278-7132. LOST Vic.
20th East Evergreen silver white male Persia cat, clipped stomach and back, ans. to Beau, Reward. 467-4604. REWARD Lady's engagement ring lost at Demman's Golf Course, 1390 West No. Temple.
PLEASE CALL 467-1240. LOST Small tan dog, white markIngs. wearing a harness, tag No. 2084. Vic.
So. East. Reward, 466-4343. LOST Small Mexican Chihuahua, female, dark brown, responds to "Koko" lost in MidVale vicinity, reward. 2.5-2745 or 255-4747.
LOST part reddish blond, ans. 10 "Gypsy Reward. 571-2072. Lost June 12th. PLEASE.
4-Personals WANTED Ranch or farm family to care for my 2 girls, age 7 and 9. by the week. Prefer north or northeast of S.L.C., with lots of animals. Write H. M.
Bayers, Box 1241, S.L.C., give details of location and your own family. Dollars, halves, quarters, and BUYING SILVER COINS, bars. Highest prices paid. Also, want 1 o'd coins, sold, proof collectors' coins, c. TOP PRICES, ZION COIN COMPANY.
57 East broadway, S.L.C 359-0498. RESUMES ARTHUR RICHARDSON Wkdays. 328-8591, eves. 364-7218. LEARN TO SWIM NOW.
FEAR PROBLEMS OUR SPECIALTY. Mature, Experienced Instruction Small Classes Start July 15 RANCHO LANES-363-5833 Instructor, 295-8819 BUY 1968 proof sets Pay $9.50 per set Can use any quantity ZION COIN CO. 57 East Broadway, S. L. 359-0498 FLAMING Gorge vacationers or fishermen, de luxe travel trailers for rent at Flaming Gorge, sleeps 6, cooking or our campground or lakeside.
Phone S.L.C., 266-9746, 266-8471. BUY Shiver dollars, Indian cents, gold proof sets, old coins. 328-1862. Rust Coin and Gift, 18 E. 3rd S.L.C..
MODEL OPPORTUNITIES DA 8-1332 411 E. S. Temple 363-2765 MODELS WANTED ALL AGES, ALL TYPES 1399 S. 7th East 487-3243 METAL DETECTOR Super sensitivity, locate buried treasure, Zion Coin 57 East Broad. way, EL 9-0498.
SAVE Planning to build? Buy a beautiful house plan, 1735 sq. for onlv $150, for information call 485-3569. LADIES It's not the size nor the color, it's what you put into it that counts. Betty's Bra Bar, 252 So. Main and Cottonwood Mall.
322-2020. NON-profit organization, needs young people to play musical instruments for variaty show, on weekends. Call 328-1868, btw. 3:30 and 4:30 p.m. DANCE CLASSES STARTING Southeast Dance Academy, years up.
Utah's largest and most modern dancing school. 486-0061. GARAGE SALE, clothing, misc. household items. Thurs.
6-9, Fri. 10-7, 1923 Browning Ave. 484-5458. NEED $1.000 to expand business venture. Percentage or will repay in 6 mos.
with reasonable interest rate, call 521-3967. KEYBOARD instruments -aroun. nvt. lessons ($10) mo. Accordions furn.
free. 484-9690. MUST sell, brunette wig, 100 pct. hand tied human hair, worn once, 277-9861. CHARLOTTE, please come home, the children and I love you.
We're all human, Dwayne. FANTASTIC FANTASTIC BRAS are al 119 SOCIAL HALL 355-0146, 277-4788. YOUR old uranium stock may be valuable. Call Kesko' and 614 Newhouse 328-6651. WILL buy used Steno- Type machines, LDS Business College.
363-2765. BEGINNERS quitar lessons. Try before yoU buy. Elec. quitar furn.
Music Centre, 322-0449. SWAP MEET FLEA MARKET Every 10-5, Woodland Drive-In Theater, 4005 So. 7th East. SALE on elect. guitars and drum sets, rock bottom prices.
278-8782. GET-ACQUAINTED quitar, drum or accordion lessons, $1.50, instrument furn. Progressive Music, 364-4353. SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP. Fort Douglas Club available.
487-2243, HU 0192. WANT to buy antique dolls, old music boxes, antique iewelry, and watches, furniture. 255-5356. WANTED Military relics, western antiques, stamps, coins, quns. Beehive 368 E.
3rd South, 359-9052. FOR sale, share in swimming pool, Mt. Olympus Acres, 277-7224. PET CEMETERY Pickup Service HU 4-3070 DIVORCE, investigated. and 355-4666.
child custody cases ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS information and assistance, 355-9159. Are you in Need of Direction? WORD OF TRUTH 255-7592 LOR-EL coin-stamp shop. 383 E. 171h So. 12 to 6 p.m.
466-1324. PIANO lessons (all types). Prof. instruction. Music Centre, 322-0449.
RUMMAGE SALE- Julv 12-13 from 10 a.m.-7 p.m. 268 West 1st So. BEGINNING -advanced students, drum-trumpet lessons, 484-3296. 5-Massage and Bath WASATCH massage, masseurs. seuses.
House calls. Steam bath. hot pool. Open Sun. 363-8996.
PHYSIOTHERAPY, massage and bath. 299-1057. ARTISAN massage-All new, compl. for inform. 355-7461.
HEALTH STUDIO 1488 S. Main, 485-2202. 6-Travel, Bus Lines BE SAFE BE INSURED I.C.C. CERTIFIED Automobile Delivery Service everywhere in the United States. $2,500,000 INSURANCE.
Phoenix 109 74 Temperatures at hour listed: POCATELLO 88 53 92 58 81 62 Thursday Wednesday Portland 87 57 PROVO 91 59 Aberdeen 12 12 p.m. 55 62 59 RENO 94 50 Amsterdam a.m. p.m. 64 90 ROCK SPRINGS 82 50 .02 Berlin 1 a.m.
63 1 p.m. 68 78 56 ST. GEORGE 162 Brussels 1 a.m. 64 1 p.m, 79 95 St. Louis 84 60 Cairo 2 a.m.
75 2 p.m. 95 88. 76 SALT LAKE CITY 91 38 .02 Casablanca 12 a.m. 68 12 p.m. 105 80 San Francisco 52 52 Copenhagen 1 a.m.
I p.m. 63 86 58 Seattle 78 61 Dub in 12 a.m. 55 12 p.m. 59 git 69. SHERIDAN 91 58 Geneva 1 a.m.
1 81 86 81 .01 Spokane 85 61 Hong Kong 8 a.m. 8 p.m. 84 95 69 Washington, D.C. 85 72 Lisbon a.m. 63 48 Landon 12 a.m.
12 12 p.m. p.m. 6) 75 82 West Yellowstone 78 6-Trovel, Bus Lines DRIVERS, or wanted from L.A.. to San drive Fran- cars cisco, Boise, Seattle, Denver, Phoenix, Chicago, New York and other maior cities. This is employ.
ment. 363-0830. 7-Help Wanted -Women GALS INTERNATIONAL BOOK publishing firm will hire young women to staff permanent local office. Chance to learn management. typing, filing office skills necessary, we will train.
MUST BE: 1. Single Near and poised 3. Able to start immediately For Interview appt. call 359-5892 A few summer lobs still open for college students. GAL FRIDAY Must be good typist and have shorthand experience.
Salary Open For personal, confidential interview call personnel director 355-3716 EXPERIENCED COMPTOMETER OPERATOR Must have thorough knowledge the comptometer and previous office experience. National concern. permanent position, liberal employe benefits. Apply at CONTINENTAL BAKING 734 E. 4th South.
An equal opportunity employer. OFFICE and credit manager experience necessary. 40-hr. week, good company benefits, with excel. company insurance program.
Salary based on qualifications. Reply Box E-45, this paper, stating age, ret. and experience. EXPERIENCED STENOS and TYPISTS NEEDED Temporary assignments only. VICTOR Temporaries WE PAY YOUR SALARY 65 So.
Main, Rm. 206 359-8762 JB'S BIG BOY GENERAL OFFICE Young woman needed for general office work, exp. typing and shorthand required, apply 400 So. State 250. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, 5 must have tray service experience.
1 part-time lunch waitneeded. Apply in person. Rhoda's Restaurant, 14 E. 81h across from Sears. SEAMSTRESS, EXPER.
FOR HAND. SEWING ON WOMEN'S ALTERATIONS. MATURE. APPLY 350 EAST 1st SOUTH. 4 LADIES for summer work, while our people are on vacation, full time, $80 per week part time $40 per week comm.
Must have use of car, Stanley Home Products, call 298-4483 for appt. OFFICE SUPERVISOR capable of directing activities of personnel in billing and staffing reception desk. Business education and experience essential. Apply administrator, St. John's Hospital, Jackson, Wyoming.
YOUNG woman with office and credit manager experience for wholesale firm. 40-hour week, salary based on qualifications, good company benefits. Phone 364-7789, for appt. Mature, attractive Secretary and Receptionist. Some shorthand.
467-1544. MATURE SALESLADY Fernwood Ice Cream and Candy Store: evening shift, some Sunday work, apply in person, 150 West Commonwealth Ave. (2130 South), 10 a.m.-1 p.m. GIRLS--BOYS Earn up to $15 a day comm. Training and supervision.
Distributors of Bestline Household Products. Call Mon. through 328-4779. WE ARE EXPANDING Need waitresses for Salt Lake's busiest coffee shop, excel. salary, tips and working day and eve, shifts exper.
and local ref. Dee's 433 So. Main. ATTRACTIVE responsible girl to work in and help manage new private club. Excellent opportunity tor right person, apply at 4438 So.
State. 266-6968. WOMEN, attractive, intelligent 10 teach prof. make-up technique, and sell Viviane Woodard Cosmetics. Consultant and executive opportunities avail.
466-3508, 363-9451. PART- TIME pleasant telephone appointment work for fire protection. Good pay, excellent working cond. 262-4664. OPPORTUNITY, Makoff Beauty Salon, immediate opening, 2 experienced operators, call 328-8131, Miss Mack for interview.
EXPERIENCED receptionist, must type 60 wpm accuratelv, file, telephone, meet customers. 40-hr. wk. 486-8794, for appt. PRESSERS and folders, experience not necessary, will train.
Air cond. plant, Apply in good person. 1024 working South conditions. LOOKING for somethina interestina to do? Liquid Embroidery needs yoU to instruct (we train voU). openings now avail.
Call 485-5607. NURSES aid, 3-11 shift, Bonner Brookside Nursing Home, 1205 E. 4725 South. 262-2908. Must have 5- trans.
EXPERIENCED roll head printer for photo-finishing plant, night or day shift. Mrs. Woods, 355-5363 for appt. MATURE woman for laundry, must be good at shirt ironing, part time afternoon and eves. 466-2384, 466-0744.
KIDS near campus need occasional sitter within walking distance of 238 So. 11th East. (65c per hour). 363-9275. PART- TIME help wanted in all professions and skills.
We nay the Call Hand'e-Girl 364-5248 for details. HOUSEKEEPER Full time, must live in. room and board plus salarv. private room, bath. Mr.
Donaldson 486-7181. $50 CASH Any group, club or organization for selling Watkins famous vanilla and pepper. 262-3375. SALESLADY Part-time emplovment. selling and detail experience required.
See Mrs. Kellv. Montaomerv Ward 1053 East 251t South. YOUNG attractive of legal age, apply in person between and p.m, Top Hat Night Club. 3521 So.
State, 266-0241. EXPERIENCED waitress, afternoon or night shift. Apply Roper Cafe, 21st South and 6th West. WA sponsibility, able to afternoon accept shift. re255-9923.
EXP. waitress, 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. shift, legal age. June's Cafe, 7711 So.
State. WANTED: 5 women to sell the fabulous Pennyrich Bra, high earnings. New car if qualified. 266-9372. DOCTOR'S assistant, receptionist, type, bookkeeping; enioys meeting people.
322-2473. WANTED salad lady for part-time work, private club Call for appt. after 3 p.m. 277-2691. EXPERIENCED dining rm.
waitress, apply in person. Bratten's Grotto, 1355 East 21st So. WAITRESS WANTED Part time, must be legal age. Apply at 2268 Highland Dr. EXP.
ALTERATION LADY Call for appt. 322-4324 CASHIER for self service gas station, must live on premises, call 4661557 ask for Vern. BABY -sitter with ref. and car needed by July 22, '68, phone 487-0681 ask for Jan. EXPERIENCED part-time waitress.
Apply in person, Club Cabana, 31 East 4th So. MATURE woman wanted to care for small child, Vic. 27th So. and 7th East. 485-0821.
BEAUTY OPERATOR full time. Gladys' Fashion Flair, 42 E. 2nd N. Tooele. Phone 882-4471 or 882-0813.
EXP. waitress, over legal age, night shift. Apply in person Hi-Way Cafe, 1783 West No. Temple. WAITRESS wanted.
Apply Italian Village, 1995 E. 33rd South, between 3-7 p.m. WANTED EXPECTANT MOTHER TO DO LIGHT HSEWK RM. SMALL WAGE. EL 5-7444.
ATTRACTIVE, mature woman for barmaid-waitress, 255-0647, 255-9806 for interview appt. NURSES aid to work in nursing home. 355-2111. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, China Doll Cate, 1259 So. Redwood.
LIVE IN child care, housework, $125 a mo, 484-9175. EXP. waitress, excel. working cond. Apply Utah Cate, 32 So.
Main. NURSES aid, afternoon shift. 328-3384 MATURE babysitter 6 days a wk. 4:30 to 11:30 p.m. Ref.
355-1890. WAITRESS. 10600 So. 7th East. Rustic Acres: 571-3111.
COOK FOR NURSING HOME. 355-3891, 487-2821. 7-Help Wanted -Women AIRLINE STEWARDESSES Fly with the world's most experienced PAN AMERICAN WORLD AIRWAYS Fly to All 6 Continents 5'3't through weight 105 to 140 Ibs. Must be single. med.
height. Good health. Good vision. Must be high school graduate (2 vears college desired) Knowledge of a foreian lanquage required. SALARY AFTER 1 YEAR $425 PER MONTH Benefits include: Health and retirement plan 90 pct.
discount on vacation travel 30 days vaca: tion per year. Positions are based in New York. Miami Sar Francisco. Seattle, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles. APPLY ONLY IF YOU QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT ON TUESDAY, JULY 16 486-2305 HOTEL UTAH An equal opportunity emplover So.
assistant, Suite part-time. 8-Women Want Work EXPERT. Ironing, 10c. Dresses made $6. 332 E.
6220 So. 262-0159. CURTAINS, bedspreads, tablecloths, Pickup, delivery, IN 7-4492, BKKG. PAYROLL, typing, etc. My home, Exp.
278-0331. IRONING and sewing in my home. Call 485-0939. TYPING, ADDRESSING, MAILING. MY HOME.
487-6566, 485-5177. 8A-Children's Nurseries CHILDREN'S HOUSE formally Salt Lake Nursery School renamed, remodeled registering now for fall DAY CARE PRESCHOOL Creative dance. Swimming Nursery bus service office 925 1st. 359-7417 DEPEND. baby-sitter, daytime, my home.
Lrg. fenced yd. Vic. 8th 8th So. 355-1081.
NURSERY SCHOOL LICENSED Pre-school activities. Nourishing meals. Rates. IN 7-3592. CHILD care, my home, vic.
27th So. 3rd East. 486-0376. CHILD care, reasonable, my home, nice yard. 363-6354.
LICENSED Will tend child, my home, Glendale area. 467-3207. BOY age 17 wants steady work, good worker. 466-6263. CHILD care, my home.
455 EAST 4TH SOUTH 328-8591 S.D.I. Agency has THE Job for YOU! (TOO many to list ALL NEVER a Fee to Apply Serving Utah since 1936 National Employment Association Accredited Certified Employment Consultants 333 S. STATE JOBS UNLIMITED Female Secretary $425; $420; Steno $400; Exp. Key Punch; Comptom; Lt. Bkkpr.
Dictaphone Mat. Type. Male Sales men, outside and inside; Manager Trainee; Office Management Trainee College Grads BS BA. SECURITY EMPLOYMENT 201 Felt Bldg. 341 So.
Main 355-4674 355-3692 FREE CONSULTATION ANY TIME ALL-GIRL FEMALE CAREER SPECIALISTS Receptionists-Secretaries Typists, Bookkeepers, Clerks PROGRESSIVE PERSONNEL INC. 455 East 4th South 521-3737 BKKP. $350 TYPIST $360 RECEPT. TYPIST $280 MALE STENO. $563 AND MANY, MANY MORE GEORGIA DAY Utah's Oldest Employment Agency 428 S.
Main 364-7771 ABBOT FLETCHER 165 So. State 328-4217 JOB SHOPPE MEN WOMEN EASY PARKING IN REAR 641 7 4th South 355-4608 PRODUCTION General laborers needed now ASSURED EMPLOYMENT 121 E. 3rd South 328-0396 bee 327 E. 21st South 486-8196 BUSY OFFICE of leading co. needs attractive girl for recept.
Must type 60 have some exp. and be able to deal with the public. Good salary, plus benefits. Call for appt. HITCHING POST 355-5358.
COX Utah's First-Best Employ. Agency 1201 Wilmington, Sg. Hse. HU 7-7781 11-Help Wanted Men 10-Schools, Training Training programming, etc. IBM Keypunch NIGHT DAY CLASSES New Easy to Learn System College Office Automation 466-8725 2121 So.
State Suite No. 208 SPECIALIZE In Career of Automation A IBM KEY PUNCH COMPTOMETER 10-KEY ADDER VICTOR COMPTOMETER SCHOOL 65 So. Main. Rm. 206 359-8767 WANTED MEN AND WOMEN To train for Civil Service Examinations for Clerical, Postal, also E.E.
Government lobs with Feder al. State Civil Service. For full information write Lake Training Service, P.O. Box 1835, Utah, or call 466-1691 or 484-5162. "AUTOMATION DEMANDS' IBM Key Punch IBM Computer Prog.
DAY and NIGHT CLASSES TRAIN NOW -PAY LATER TRADE COLLEGE 811 E. 33rd South 486-9601 BARBERS are in demand, men and women. enroll el now, GI, VA, voc. rehab, appro. Write or call today Nationally AAA Rated Salt Lake Barber Colleve 161 E.
2nd S.L.C., Utah 364-0854 SALT LAKE CITY OF COLLEGE, MEDICAL DENTAL ASSISTANTS MEDICAL Sent on Request 2624 South Main 487-0657 PBX RECEPTIONIST IBM KEY Punch, Computer Tab Wiring, Programming, Clerk-Typist. Medical, Legal Sec. Shorthand, Off. Pct. Secretarial.
Low Tuition. Terms. No Age Limit. INTERMOUNTAIN COLLEGE 341 South Main Street 355-7507 2349 S. West Temple 457-1704 DRAFTING VETERANS APPROVED TECHNICAL ENG.
INSTITUTE 2349 S. West Temple 487-1704 MEN. Train now for pay up to $4.21 per hr. in Heavy Equipment Operations. Write: NORTHWEST SCHOOLS, Dept.
H7-15, Box H-44, care of this paper. GROCERY CHECKING Low Tuition Train now for Summer Jobs 811 E. 33rd South 486-9601 APPLICATIONS now being taken for Steno- Type "Machine Shorthand" class, starting fall quarter, LDS Business College. 363-2765. HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME AMERICAN CAN SCHOOL P.O.
Box 7061, Murray or WIG TRAINING Day and night classes, 278-4071-4. 10A-Wanted-Men, Women WIG STYLISTS (No license required) TOP SALARY APPLY DISCOUNT WIG CENTER 708 SO. STATE ARTHUR Murray studio needs ambitious young men and women, for teaching, supervising, and counseling positions. Earn $2.50 to $3.50 per hour salary when qualified to instruct. Apply now in person So.
Main between 3 to 10 p.m. No phone calls. TEACHERS NEEDED Several openings. Elem. and sec.
Starting salary Small class, small community located 80 Mr. T. Davies, 1 Patterson Schools, miles from San Francisco. Contact P.O. Box 547, Patterson, Calif.
EXP. mature salesperson for fulltime work, male or female, expe. in hardware. appliances, tires, helpful. Apply at Duerden's Western Auto, 416 West 5th Bntfl.
COUPLE FOR PESIDENT MGPS. 12-unit exchange for unfurn. apt. and utils. Close to town.
359-5616 CARETAKER for small apt. bldg. work in exchange for rent of apt. retired cple. or single.
467-9489, 484-4733. 1540 So. State. SECOND age no handicap. 15, hours, average, $58 262-3376.
weeklv Watkins commission, Products. COUPLE with small income to do part time maid work in hotel. Gecrae B. Toone, 2060 Monroe, ph. 394-0536, Ogden.
MANAGER for 14 units. exclusive neighborhood. Capitol Hill. No children. 363-1375.
WE have part-time work available with Fuller Brush. Near legal age. Contact Bob, 278-2861. MANAGER Wanted for wellestablished pet shop. 278-8913 mornings and eves.
COOKS AND WAITRESSES NEEDED. 257-3726. Tremonton. INCREASE your income. Rawleigh Household products.
363-5930. 11-Help Wanted Men EXP. carpenter and concrete finisher, wanting permanent position. Firmbilt Construction, 425 E. 21st South.
Apply 5-9 p.m. NONUNION journeyman plumbers, also plumbers' helpers wanted, top wages paid, steady work. 262-3378, 8-5, Monday-Friday, 8-12 Sat. CAFE managers needed, Utah firm, good salary. plus bonus.
Write Box E-19, in care of this paper. WANTED Slaughter Butcher, must be experienced. Top wages paid. Ph. 295-1095.
OPPORTUNITY for experienced male hair stylist. Call 278-2651, ext. 45. DIESEL truck driver for the coast. Joe Doctorman and Son, 2900 So.
2nd West. NIGHT auditor, full-time, apply in person, no phone calls. Holiday Inn Airport, 1659 West North Temple. CERAMIC TILE SETTER needed, full-time lob, top pay, Phone Ogden collect 394-2681, eves. 393-6184.
MEN Part-time janitorial workers. 11 p.m to 6 a.m. 5 hrs. per night. Apply at 149 West 2nd So.
JOURNEYMAN PAINTER, 484-9384. APPRENTICE CARPENTER, steady 254-4573. WANTED, someone to mow postagestamp yd. 238 S. 11th East.
363-9275. NIGHT WATCHMAN for nursing home. 355-3891. 487-2821. 2-MEN NEEDED to assist me in in insurance business 487-1653.
9-10 a.m BRICK LAYERS 277-5835 JOURNEYMAN plumber wanted, top wages, 487-7889 466-4258. UNIVAC SALT LAKE CITY SPERRY RAND CORP. IMMEDIATE OPENING INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER BSIE OR MSIE with minimum of 2 years industrial engineering experience in High Volume manufacturing. Will use work measurement. statistical analysis, space management and information systems technique on broad range of project assignments.
CALL FOR INTERVIEW DICK PERKINS, 328-8066, Ext, 4200 An equal opportunity employer DESERET NEWS, Thursday, July 11, 1968 B15 11-Help Wanted Men 11-Help Wanted Men ENGINEERS ELECTRONIC DESIGN ENGINEERS Excellent design and development position in a progressive, expanding company in the ASW and Oceanographic field. Must have 2-5 years experience on design and development of military or high quality commercial electronic equipment. Must be capable of performing system engineering and assuming complete responsibility for assigned projects. PRODUCT ENGINEER BSEE or equivalent experience. Will do some traveling on field service trips.
Will trouble shoot and do i check-out of electronic equipment. resume in confidence to: EDO WESTERN CORPORATION 2645 SOUTH 2ND WEST SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84115 An Equal Opportunity Employer HORIZON CORPORATION Expanding to Salt Lake City Area Require several local INDEPENDENT REAL ESTATE BROKERS For additional information Phone 355-3716 Personnel Director To prepare office designs and lay. out drawings tor industrial plant material handing systems. Minimum of 2 years experience desired. Apoly in person.
MALQUIST McGILL ASSOCIATES 3858 So. 2nd East Data Processing Instructor Excellent professional opportunity, B.S. degree preferred and practical experience. Needs math background, knowledge of fortran cobol RPG or PL 1 programming, 2-year training program and using the IBM 360, Model 30. Contact: Earl Bartholomew weekdays after 8:30 a.m.
at 299-3411, ext. 54. UTAH TECHNICAL COLLEGE 4600 So. Redwood Rd. MANAGER TRAINEE Aggressive, ambitious, alert, young man needed to train for management position.
Must be high school graduate, however, some college background helpful. Active military obligation should be completed. Manager position includes diversified financing: Consumer finance sales contract, financing, real estate, lending and insurance. Budget Finance Plan, 802 S. State.
Phone for 355-3832. ASSISTANT STATION MGR. Beginning salary $350 plus at least $100 per mo. commission for good man after 3rd month. Substantial pay raises given to good men during first year.
No experience required. We will train. Must be high school grad. and must be bondable. For interview SCE Mr.
Egar at 383 So. 6th East. High School graduate-One interested in learning the building material business. Call Miss Romer for appointment KETCHUM'S 355- 4656. B.
Y. U. ATTENTION PHYSICIANS: Brigham Young University Health Center has openings for positions on their fulltime staff. Excellent opportunities for service, family living, and educational pursuits. Please address inquires to Cloyd C.
Hotheins, M.D., Director of Student Health Center, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. MACHINE MINERS with underground mining experience for U.S. Smelting Refining and Mining U.S. and Lark Mine. Alternate 5- and 5-day work weeks.
Apply in person at mine office, Lark, Utah. WELDER, electrician needed by farm equipment service department, must be free to travel, and hard worker. Excellent opportunity with aggressive firm, send resume including salary expected to Box E-52, in care of this newspaper. -LUBE MEN We have increased our service facilities and have need for A auto mechanics and 2 lube men. Salary plus top working cond.
Wagstaff Motor 364-6600. AUTOMOBILE metal man, painter and painter's helpers wanted, excel. working exper, and ref. necessary. Apply In person.
Salt Lake Auto Auction, 2089 West North Temple. JOURNEYMAN furnace installers. Year-round work. Good pay. Fringe benetit*.
Wasatch Furnace and Electric, 86 East 4800 South. 266-4447. Eves. 484-4762. PRESS OPERATORS Hot molding hydraulic components day and night shift.
on the iob training. Parker Seal Salt Lake Division. 2622 So. 2nd West. GENERAL auto mechanic with automatic transmission experience, must have references, apply in person, Salt Lake Auto Auction, 2089 West No.
Temple. COLLECTORS, part-time work on Iccal, monthly magazine collection route. Must have car and phone. No selling at all. Commission plus bonus.
Write Box 53, this paper. SEMI-retired man to take around samples of new product to stores in S.L. area. Work own hours. JIFFY FOOD PRODUCTS 359-4644 PART time custodial help wanted, male, Kearns area after 10 p.m.
4 hours per night, 5 nights a week, apply 2590 So. 2nd West. COMMUNICATIONS technical representative, 1st or 2nd class license, bring, West, resume 9-1 to p.m. Suite 1C, 2150 So. LOCKSMITH NEEDED, FULL TIME.
TOP SALARY. 355-3413. EXPERIENCED WHEEL ALIGNMENT TUNE- UP MECHANIC Ideal Working Conditions Exceptionally Fine Equipment Insurance Benefits Vacation An Operator Can Make Top Money! ROY PRICE 2651 So. Main, Bountiful INTERNATIONAL CONCERN pansion of permanent staff under wuy. Since these positions necessitate daily contact with the public, IS essential that those hired must be personable and able to converse intelligently.
If you are high. school graduate and desirous of es-. tablishing with book publishing firm that offers rapid advancement, CALL MR. COLE 359-5892 Starting Salary $440 Mo. to those qualified A few summer jobs still open for college students.
MAN to take over supervision of. production labratory, must have experience in supervising people, experience with work flow, production quotas, etc. Age no limit, but experience a must. Must be capable of taking important part of management in a small but rapidly growing Salt Lake Optical Corp. College education helpful but not necessary.
Send complete resume to P.O. Box. 2481, S.L.C., Attention: President. SURVEYOR'S HELPER For surface and underground work. High school trigonometry needed.
Days call (307) 544-2291. Nights (307) 544-2641. Western Nuclear Jeffery City, Wyo. An equal opportunity employer. FREED Motor Co.
needs good paint man. Weekly guarantee, retirement. plan, health, accident, life, sickness, and hospital insurance furnished. free. Vacation with pay.
One of West's largest and oldest service depts. See or call Mr. J. A. Jacks.
328-4931. 47 So. 2nd East. BOYS-GIRLS Earn up to $15 a day comm. Free training and supervision.
Distributors of Bestline Household Products, Call Mon. through Fri. 328-4779. NOW HIRING 20 MEN CHAIN STORE $2.98 PER HR. SALARY In Our Appliance service and sales dept.
Call 322-1204 tor appt. PER month, college students, ex-servicemen, firemen, or experience with public, start comm. business, part. time directing sales personnel selling nome care products. 467-5078.
SCHOOLTEACHERS AND COLLEGE STUDENTS Can use 2 teachers or students who need summer work in uppliance store. Apply 1556 So. Main bet. a.m.-10 a.m. only.
WANTED auto mechanic to work in General Motor dealership. Ideal workina cond, 55 pct. excel. opport. for hardworking man, confact.
Mr. Short at 322-1836 or Tocele 882-1066. BUTCHER wanted, full or part-time, must have experience, good working cond. in shopping center, 3995 West 3500 call Mr. Harmon, 298-3577.
GRILL COOK, young married men for grill work in drive inn. Opportunity for career with rapidly expanding. excel. benefits, permanent position, Dee's 433 So. Main.
2-WAY RADIO TECHNICIAN Utah Communications, 486-0161 JOURNEYMAN diesel tractor mechanic, top pay, full time. Truckers Service and Supply 4255 So. 2nd West, 262-2529. UPHOLSTERER, permanent position. Top wages and benefits.
Trim experience helpful. Twitchell Uphols'ery, Ceaar City, Utah. EXPERIENCED dairyman to work on Grade A dairy farm, full-time employment, non smoker, small home provided call Logan 752-2606. EXPERIENCED LINE DRIVERS Between Intermountain and Pacific Coast states. Sleeper operation.
ICC carrier. 1007 So. 4th West. OPERATOR for 22-B backhoe, must be expert, top wages, steady work. Inquire Box E-55, care of this.
paper. PART- -TIME experienced service station attendant. Alternate Sat. and Sun. Apply in person, 502 E.
4th South. STEADY year round job for good spray painter in production shop. Write Box E-50, care of this paper, giving age, etc. LOT man with detailer experience, must nave references, apply in person, Salt Lake Auto Auction, 2089 West No. Temple.
WANTED-Man to handle vending route. Salary. Call 363-6547 for appt. before 9 a.m. MAN to haul AVDSUm wallboard.
Needs chauffeur license. $80 week. 179 West 5300 Murrav. DRIVERS and kitchen help wanted. Applv in person.
994 South Main. The Polynesian. YOUNG man to work in must have work permit. Inq. at 2233 S.
State before noon. THE MARQUARDT CORPORATION CLEARFIELD, UTAH NEEDS General Machinists Tool and Die Makers Broach and Tool Grinders Prefer 5 to 10 years experience with established ability to set up, check work, and operate to very close tolerances. QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR Sr. Recent experience in inspection of production parts required. For further information and interview appointment call Mr.
R. A. Robles, Ogden 399-2111 Ext. 232. Long distance call collect or write letter of inquiry to P.O.